If you are serious about genealogy, you should have a full deck of resources and tools to help you as your research unfolds and takes shape. If you are a noob or novice, you are probably feeling a little bit overwhelmed with all the work and research involved with genealogy. We’ve compiled our best pick of resources that should help you straight away! Let’s jump right in.

The Villages Genealogical Society

The Villages Genealogical Society has tons to offer professional and beginner genealogists. They have monthly meetings where members can network and connect, and an annual seminar with workshops and Special Interest Groups.

Family Search

Wikipedia has its own wealth of resources and information on genealogy. On Family Search, you will gain instant access to other sites and techniques for doing your own genealogical research.

National Library of Australia

This excellent source has a very substantial amount of records available to the public. The library aims to preserve documentation and any other resources related to the history of Australia and the people who live there. The source even offers you in-depth guides to help you with the task at hand.

State Library Victoria

Another information giant when it comes to genealogy, the State Library Victoria will help you on your way of discovering a story of yesteryear, whether you are a professional genealogist or just a curious newbie.

Cyndi’s List

This source is a source of sources in itself. Go to Cyndi’s List for a complete list of the latest and greatest Australian genealogy sources and tools that can be found on the web today. Cyndi’s List came into being when Cyndi Ingle started compiling a list of resources for her own genealogical society. She immediately saw the need for a source of resources and got to work. This is the most comprehensive list of resources on genealogy you will find!


From Visually.

Did you recognize any of the sources we mentioned? We hope these help you in your endeavors to uncover your family story.